What Does It Mean If A Puppy Is Born With Its Eyes Open?

What Does It Mean If A Puppy Is Born With Its Eyes Open?

If a puppy is born with its eyes open, it’s natural to assume it’s healthy. However, it’s essential to understand what this can mean for its behavior. Since many of your pup’s eyes are shut, it may be difficult to interpret its behavior. So, what does it mean if a puppy is born with its … Read more

6-Month-Old German shepherd

6-Month-Old German shepherd

German shepherds are raised to work, and for them, fulfillment is constructive, even like a puppy. The interaction between you and your dog shifts from a parent and child type to a mutual partnership over the six months of the pup’s growth. You have to keep trained and hopeful as sexual maturation occurs and emotions … Read more

How to Care for Newborn German Shepherd Puppies ( Guides 2021)

How to Care for Newborn German Shepherd Puppies

There is nothing more beautiful in the world than you have a female German Shepherd and receive her babies. Like other breeds of dogs, German Shepherds are very independent and take care of their puppies, but you can help. If the German Shepherd mother has trouble breastfeeding, caring, or warming her puppies, you can give … Read more