When Do Your German Shepherd’s Ears Stand Up?

German Shepherds are one of the most popular dog breeds in the United States.

When you adopt a GSD, it’s important to know how their ears develop.

When do German Shepherd puppies’ ears stand up? When they’re 5-15 weeks old, their ears start to perk up and eventually go upright.

But when does your German Shepherd puppy’s ear stand up if he or she is 8 months old?

This article will answer all of these questions and more!

German Shepherd Puppy Ear Stages

There are five stages that german shepherd puppies go through as they develop their ear cartilage, and the time it takes for them to fully stand can vary widely.

Pups’ ears are floppy when they’re born. They should be perky at around eight weeks old but will lower again until the german shepherd pup is five months old.

By the time german shepherds are six to seven months old, their ears should be standing on their own and will stay that way throughout adulthood.

The alert and regal appearance of an adult german shepherd is away from the cuteness of a german shepherd pup with its floppy ears.

Dogs’ ears, like those of humans, are cartilage-based structures that develop over time. German Shepherd pups’ cartilage is too flimsy to support the weight of their large ears when they are young.

When they are eight to nine weeks old, german shepherd puppies usually have floppy ears that will rise and fall swiftly as they respond to various stimuli.

By the time your german shepherd puppy is five months old, its teething will be thorough, and its ears will start to thicken and stand.

Your german shepherd’s ears should be perky and attentive throughout the following two months.

Make sure to keep an eye on your pup during these developmental stages so you can be sure that its ears are standing properly.

Ears that don’t stand up correctly can cause health problems down the line, so it’s important to get them checked out if there is any doubt.

When Do Your German Shepherd’s Ears Stand Up?

Your german shpeherd’s ears should be starting to stand up or all the way up, indicating that he has done teething.

Around week 20, your puppy’s ears should be starting to stand up or all the way up, indicating that he has done teething.

You may notice your baby’s ears become more floppy or pointed as they emerge from the teething stage.

The cartilage of a german shepherd puppy is too weak to support the weight of its large ears.

Early on in a child’s life, if their ears can stand up straight (before the teething phase is through), there’s a good chance they’ll stay that way.

However, if the German shepherd’s ears are not standing up straight around the age of six months, it is likely they will never stand up.

Why Aren’t Your German Shepherd’s Ears Standing Up?

There are a few reasons why your german shepherd’s ears may not be standing up, some of which are related to their health.

Parasites Puppies may become infected with parasites in a variety of ways, one of which is by the ingestion of foreign objects.

Trauma At roughly 20 weeks of age, german shepherds’ ears begin to form.

Genetics Floppy ears are a hereditary trait in certain german shepherds.

If your pup’s ears aren’t standing up, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with them – they may just be floppy!

Make sure to keep an eye on them and if you have any concerns, consult your veterinarian.

Why Do Some GSDs Have Floppy Ears?

There are a few different reasons why German Shepherds can have floppy ears.

The most important factor is hereditary.

Because of their genetics, some puppies are born with round, floppy ears.

It’s also a fertile ground for misconceptions- many people think that if a GSD’s ears don’t stand up, then he or she isn’t purebred.

How to Help Your GSD Puppy’s Ears Stand Up

You can help your German Shepherd puppy’s ears stand up by doing any of the following: 

  • Ear taping
  • Ear gluing
  • Proper nutrition

Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it is important to choose the one that will work best for you and your dog. Let’s take a closer look at each approach.

Ear Taping

One way to help your puppy’s ears stand up is by ear taping.

This approach is pretty straightforward: you will need some medical tape and a few minutes each day to apply it.

The upside of this method is that it’s very effective, and most puppies’ ears will stand up within a week or two.

The downside is that it’s time-consuming and requires daily attention.

Ear Gluing

Another option you can try is puppy ear gluing.

This is actually not nearly as awful as it sounds and is far easier to do than the ear taping method.

You will need some all-purpose glue, a few cotton balls or pads, and a pair of scissors.

Simply cut the cotton balls or pads into small pieces and apply a small amount of glue to each one.

Then, press the cotton ball or pad against the inside of your puppy’s ear until it sticks.

Be sure to hold your dog’s head up so that his ears stay in an upright position while the glue dries.

The upside of this method is that it’s easy to do, and most puppies’ ears will stand up within just a few days.

The downside is that the glue tends to be very messy, so your puppy may have trouble eating or drinking while his ears are being taped.


Another thing you can try to develop your GSD’s ears is to provide him with the proper nutrition.

A healthy diet can help your puppy’s ears develop correctly, even if it takes a bit longer than when you use one of the gluing methods.

Some puppies’ ears will stand up on their own by about three months old; others may take closer to six months before they stick straight up.

Also Read: Do German Shepherd’s Ears Stand Up naturally?


For those who are curious, the time frame for when your German Shepherd’s ears stand up is around six months to a year.

It can take longer than that if they were significantly cropped and you want them to be standing at all times.

However, do keep in mind that their droopy ears will likely rise again once they’re done teething – so let nature take its course (no matter how cute it may look)!